How To Provide Us With Your Tax Documents
Tax documents can be dropped off during office hours, mailed or uploaded to our secure client portal, SmartVault. Please do not e-mail your documents.
A completed client intak e form is required with your tax documents before we can begin your return.
Important Information
S-Corp (Form 1120S) and Partnership (Form 1065) tax returns are due March 15th – We would like all information no later than February 15 to meet the March 15th deadline.
Individual 1040’s, single-member LLC and C-Corp (Form 1120) tax returns are due April 15th - We would like all information no later than March 15 to meet the April15th deadline.
We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we recommend getting your information to us at your earliest convenience to ensure ample time for our team to assist you effectively.
If you need more time to gather your information, please submit a REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION.
Office Hours
​Normal Business Hours:
​Monday - Thursday 8am-4:30pm EST and closed daily from 11-12
Tax Season Hours (February 1st - April 15th)
Monday - Thursday 8am-6:00pm
Friday 8am-4:30pm
Saturday 8am-12pm (pickup and drop off only)
***Closed for Easter on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30
We close daily from 11-12 for lunch Monday - Friday